Studies were conducted on the occurence of metabolic mediated resistance in cotton aphid, Aphis gossypil to selected insecticides viz., endosulfan, monocrotophos, dimethoate, phosphamidon, carbaryl and cypermethrin using synergist TPP suppressible metabolic resistance even at 1:5 ratio in respect of monocrotophos and cypermethrin.

The samples of okra and brinjal fruit and soil collected from non-IPM and IPM fields were analyzed for insecticides viz chlorpyriphos, cypermethrin and monocrotophos, widely used in these crops in adopted village Raispur, in Ghaziabad District (UP).

Newly developed Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) technique has been used for monitoring of wheat grain and flour samples for endosulfan residues. Data indicated that eight samples out of fifteen contained endosulfan residues. The average concentation varied from 0.65-6.1 ppm. ELISA data correlated well with GC analysis with correlation coefficient of 0.98.

This is the kind of crisis African nightmares are made of. Nine countries in the region between the Sahara Desert and the more fertile lands towards the south are reeling under an attack by millions

The grasslands in China are fast depleting and the food habits of the country's insect population are to blame. Nearly 75,000 hectares of grasslands in five counties and cities have been attacked by

Estimates of short term pesticide exposure require revision

A test may prevent bananas from becoming extinct

E VIJAYALAKSHMI and RUHANI KAUR travel around Padre village, Kasargod district, Kerala and find what living with endosulfan has done to the area and its people

Judicious mix of Bt and non Bt crops can prevent this

Since the first transgenic plant was obtained, great progress has been achieved in GM crops.
