Both the government as well as the industry are stifling the growth of biopesticides

Biofertilisers are a cost effective way to sustainably enhance plant productivity

probing the cotton crop failure in north Tamil Nadu during the last crop season, the central team has laid the blame on intensified production technologies that multiplied the pest problems in

A Rs 2-million project to develop an

Despite the absence of commercial approval for genetically engineered Bt cotton in any Asian country outside China, it is spreading fast.

Biocontrol practices can result in ecological imbalances

Lack of lagislation and certification undermines the potential of organic farming in India

World trade in organic products for 2000 were estimated at US $17.5 billion (see table: Growing organically). Trends indicate that the organic food market would grow substantially in most of the

Although not apparent, organic farming may just be as cost effective as conventional agriculture

Bottlenecks and hassles confront the Indian organic producers
