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This study was undertaken to access the residue of commonly used pesticides viz Cypermethrin, Methamedophos, Monocrotophos, Cyfluthrin, Dialdrin and Methyl Parathian respectively in three varieties of mano being collected from the grower fields in Multan division.

This report presents compelling evidence of the considerable threats the pesticide endosulfan poses to human health and environmental integrity. In light of the evidence presented, it make a number of key recommendations to the World Health

This article focuses on the analysis of orgnohlorine pesticides (OCP) residues in commonly used spices like cumin (Cuminum cyminum), chili (Capsicurn frutescens ), city ginger. The use of OCPs in developing countries has been of serious concern because of their persistent nature. Results have shown that the level of HCH was more than the level of DDT in majority of the samples like cumin, chilli, dry ginger, carraway, aniseed black pepper, fenugreek, turmeric and corriander. The maximum value of total HCH was 0.203 ppm in turmeric and minimum 0.009 ppm in corriander.

The Plantation Corporation of Kerala Ltd (PCK) has been resorting to aerial spraying of the pesticide endosulfan for about 2 decades, 2 to 3 times an year, in 4696 ha of cashew plantation owned by it in Kasaragod district of Kerala for the control of tea-mosquito bug.  From 1979, there have been press reports on health abnormalities in the region adjoining the plantation.

Concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and non- and mono-ortho-substituted polychlorinated biphenyls (dioxin-like PCBs) were measured in tissues of humans, fishes, chicken, lamb, goat, predatory birds, and Ganges River dolphins collected from various locations in India.

We present an electrospray high-performance liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric (HPLC

The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) released the shocking results of its laboratory analysis on samples brought from Padre village of Enmakaje Gram Panchayat in Kasaragod district, Kerala, where a lot of unusual diseases related to the central nervous system have been reported, especially among children.

Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT and its metabolites (DDTs), HCH isomers (HCHs), chlordane compounds (CHLs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were determined in sediment, soil, whole body homogenates of resident and migratory birds and their prey items (including fish, green mussel, snail, earthworm, crabs, prawn, lizard and frogs), bird eggs and bats collected from southern India

A method was developed and validated for determination and quantitation of tilmicosin residues in swine, cattle, and sheep edible tissues, as well as chicken fat, skin, and muscle over a concentration range of 0.025 microg/g-20 microg/g. For chicken kidney and liver, the method was validated over a range of 0.060 microg/g-20 microg/g.

The use of plant materials for preparations of ayurvedic tonics has been known since ancient periods. The use of digestive candies and health tonics are at great demand in India. Further, the enormous use of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in developing countries has been of serious concern because of their persistant nature. Herbal products prepared using parts of the plants for human consumption used as drugs, tonics, toiletories, cosmetics etc may also contain significant level of OCP residues.
