Thirty-two sewerage schemes to be completed at a cost of Rs623.706 million in Latifabad, city and Qasimabad Talukas have been approved by the District Nazim of Hyderabad, Kanwar Naveed Jamil. The decision was taken in a meeting held on Thursday at the District Nazim's Secretariat and attended by Chairman District Works and Services Committee Munawar Khanzai; Managing Director Wasa Mohammad Basheer Awan; deputy project directors HDP Kafeel Ahmed and Faheem Akhtar Junejo, and XENs. District Nazim directed the agencies to complete the schemes before monsoon and connect them with the expanded sewerage system. He ordered immediate beginning of work on the schemes. He said the district government in last two years spent billions of rupees to overcome sewerage problems which had haunted people for last so many years. The entire system was streamlined and modernised after construction of new pumping stations in three city Talukas, increasing capacity of the existing, and laying sewerage lines of bigger diameter, he said and added: "The approved schemes will be connected to new system to drain out rain water during rains.' The sewerage schemes approved were 17 for Latifabad Taluka and seven each for city and Qasimabad talukas which include laying of 12-inch diameter rising main from Thandi Sarak pumping station up to GOR Colony culvert which will cost Rs3 million. District Nazim also gave details of each new scheme in three talukas with an exact cost of each.