It is no use trying to save the rainforests, warns a new study

They are tiny and remote controlled. And these sniffer planes will soon fly into biowarfare danger zones

IRS-LISS-II data along with other data sets have been utilized to extract information on the hydrogeomorphic features of a hard rock terrain in the Sironj area of Vidisha district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The study exhibits reservoir induced artificial groundwater recharge downstream of surface water reservoirs.

wastelands in 14 districts of Andhra Pradesh were recently mapped by the state's remote sensing applications centre (apsrac) under the aegis of the National Wasteland Development Board. The

The state of forest report 1995 is the fifth assessment of the forest cover of the country pertaining to the period 1991-93. It is for the first time that the data obtained from the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite has been used by the Forest Survey of India for this assessment.

The space shuttle Endeavour has used a new earth-imaging radar to photograph the area around the ancient Cambodian city of Angkor. Altho Ugh the main temple complex at Angkor has been

Different estimates of the extent of the country's wastelands area has forced the ministry of rural development to call for a remapping of such areas. The ministry's wasteland development department

India is one of the few developing countries to have its own space satellite systems. And, now Indian planners are depending increasingly on remote sensing for resource mapping and the monitoring of natural disasters.

Statistics relating to the date of onset of the southwest monsoon over Kerala for the 100-year period 1891-1990 reveal that the mean and median dates of onset for south Kerala are 31 May and 1 June, with a standard deviation of 8.5 days. Declaring the date of monsoon onset is not a straightforward matter. However, rainfall pattern, uppper air circulation features and INSAT cloud pictures are useful guides, and these indicate that the onset date in 1990 esd 17-18 May. During 1891-1990 there have been onlyy 12 years in which the date of onset over Kerala has been on or before 18 May.

The NASA Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE), flying aboard multiple satellites, is providing new insights into the climate system. Monthly averaged clear-sky and cloudy sky flux data derived from the ERBE are used to assess the impact of clouds on the Earth's radiation balance. This impact is examined in terms of three quantities: longwave,
shortwave, and net cloud forcing. Overall, clouds appear to cool the Earth-atmosphere system.
