MUMBAI: Residents of forest land in Mulund and Nahur have decided to boycott the October assembly polls to protest against the state government's "dilly-dally'' over the case.

Studies on Resident Welfare Associations draw attention to their predominantly middle class and exclusive character. Based on survey and ethnographic data on such associations across diverse neighbourhoods in Bangalore, this paper reveals the fractured, often contradictory, nature of claims made by different sections of middle class.

Scholarly work portrays Residents Welfare Associations as constituting an exclusively middle class

A presentation of an ethnography of the relationship between urban spaces, new cultures of consumption, the state, and the making of middle class identities in India. Firstly, the discussion explores the making of new urban spaces by focusing upon the Akshardham Temple complex on the banks of the Yamuna river in Delhi.

Corporates Too Join Hunt For Plastic Alternatives

New Delhi: Where there

New Delhi: Asked to prune, they hacked the trees. That

Residents of Sukhdev Vihar and Haji Colony, who have been staunchly opposing a waste-to-energy plant in their area, received a boost to their campaign. A similar plant being set up in Agra, UP, might be scrapped after the UP government made it clear that it was not willing to fund the refuse derived fuel (RDF) component of the project.

Dunu Roy director of the Hazards Centre has been locked in combat with some vocal representatives of resident welfare associations (RWAs) over their right to shape plans for Delhi's future. The clash has taken place in cyberspace, with furious emails flying back and forth following the Delhi state government's proposal to give RWAs the right to be consulted on plans, suggest modifications and perhaps even veto those plans that they find inconvenient. April 2008


