The report of the Hunger and Malnutrition Survey, which was conducted between October 2010 and February 2011 to assess the rate of under-nutrition among children under the age of fi ve in 100 focus districts of rural India, makes progress in measuring under-nutrition at the district level in some of the states. It also presents the important finding that there has been an overall reduction in underweight rates.

There are limited data on interdistrict variations in child health status and health services utilization within the states of India. The researchers conducted this study to identify and understand district-wise variations in child morbidity, mortality, healthcare seeking, and the status of health facilities in India.

The lack of food is rapidly killing tribal children even before they reach six, leaving 51,461 malnoursihed children dead across rural Maharashtra between 2004 and 2012.

In Bihar, where Naxals often present obstacles before government projects involving roads, bridges and buildings, even of schools, one project has clicked remarkably well in the districts that thes

Two prestigious projects started with much fanfare by the Punjab government under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) have failed to take off.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday minced no words in accusing Mayawati government of misusing funds meant for the National Rural Health Mission.

Singh Sheds Mildness To Deliver Sharp Jab At CM In First UP Outing.

New Delhi: The CAG of India has decided to audit the spending of all states under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scheme.

The extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XXDR-TB) strain in 11 patients in the city has inadvertently highlighted the deplorable condition of hospitals treating the disease, giving them a new l

Changmey health assistant Karma Wangdi has an old patient of his to see in the evening.
