They Work In Harsh Conditions Without healthcare facilities
Aruna Raghuram | TNN

Ahmedabad: They may be the salt of the earth, but in Kutch they live in deplorable conditions. For one, good health seems unattainable for women salt workers, or agariyas.

Shyam Ranganathan

The Rann is the most remarkable and unique feature of the Kachchh region. 'City of Flamingoes' - the only known breeding grounds of the Flamingo in India had been first reported and discovered in the 1886 by Maharao Khengarji, but it was Dr Salim Ali's work that forms the first major account of this amazing phenomenon.

while the Andhra Pradesh government is yet to recognize salt makers as farmers, two recent government orders mention

Ongole, July 27: Aqua culture and salt industries have turned soil saline in many parts of Prakasam district making large chunks of land unfit for cultivation. Salt cultivation is on in 7,867 acres in four mandals of the district and in the last one decade, aquaculture is also on the rise in nine mandals.

"Engineers like me can't help marvel at the Agaria's skills,' says Vinay Mahajan of the Ahmedabad-based independent research institute Sandarbh Development Studies. Mahajan has co-authored a paper,

While the Agarias wage a constant struggle with the forest department, the government has allegedly turned a blind eye to pollution by two soda ash-making units run by major industrial groups. At

At the Tata plant in Mithapur, effluent is taken to huge mud trenches, effluent-settlement ponds, which cover about 243 ha. The liquid is supposed to go to the sea from here after suspended solids in
