No conviction under the old law in 19 years, says minister. Not a single person has been convicted under the anti-manual scavenging law that the country passed 19 years ago.

New Delhi: Municipal corporation or state officials could face two years in jail or Rs 2 lakh fine for the familiar sight of bare torsos plumbing the depths of sewer tanks to clean the muck with th

Total sanitation cannot be achieved merely by allocating more funds. (Editorial)

Bees , bird species in N-E affected due to radiation from mobile towers

‘Experience the plight of manual scavengers’

The High Court of Karnataka on Monday gave a dressing down to the chairpersons of Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Board and Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board on their failure to implement its orders to prevent manual scavenging in the State.

Madhya Pradesh forest department is planning to open the state’s first ‘vulture restaurant’ to conserve the winged scavengers while taking a cue from their counterparts in Pakistan and Nepal.

Predatory and scavenging birds are at risk of lead exposure when they feed on animals injured or killed by lead ammunition. While lead ammunition has been banned from waterfowl hunting in North America for almost two decades, lead ammunition is still widely used for hunting big game and small game animals.

Manual scavenging is manual removal of excreta (night soil) from “dry toilets”, i.e., toilets without the modern flush system. Manual scavenging involves the removal of human excreta using brooms and tin plates. The excreta are piled into baskets which scavengers carry on their heads to locations sometimes several kilometers from the latrines.

Mahim Pratap Singh

Failed by modernity:Basanti Bai, a manual scavenger, with her

Manual scavenging persists, but community and political mobilisation of workers has initiated change. (Editorial)
