This report analyses recent data about emissions from industry directly to water bodies as well as to sewage systems and onward to UWWTPs. The analysis focuses on the latest information for 2016, when around 3600 industrial facilities reported at least one direct or indirect pollutant release to water to the E-PRTR database.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Nitin Shankar Deshpande Vs Union of India & Others dated 12/03/2019. The issue for consideration in the main matter is the standards to be achieved in the treated sewage discharge. Vide order dated 21.12.2018, the Tribunal found that dilution of the standards would be extremely harmful to the public health and stayed the impugned notification till further consideration in the light of the report of the Expert Committee which has been constituted.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has drawn up an action plan to improve the water quality of the Yangtze River over the next two years, it announced on Thursday.

THE government has secured 210bn/- loan for upgrading and expanding Dar es Salaam City sewage system.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Untreated sewage flowing into the rivers, 31/12/2018. As per a report published by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in March, 2015, the sewage generation from urban areas in the country is estimated at 61,948 million litres per day (mld), against which the available sewage treatment capacity is only 23,277 mld (37% of the sewage generation). The untreated sewage is discharged into various rivers, other water bodies as well as the sea.

Taking note of pollution and traffic congestion during functions at banquet halls, farmhouses and hotels here, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has formed a committee to stop activities that lead

THE government has signed a 40bn/- contract to improve a sewage drainage system and expand its network in Arusha City.

Arusha — The government is planing to spend Sh530 billion to put up networks for clean water and sewage in Arusha City.

Italy's lakes are polluted by trash, microplastics, and untreated sewage, Legambiente environmentalist association said in what was its first national report on freshwater basins on Monday.

Residents of Babaton informal settlement in Duncan Village, East London, say they are tired of breathing sewage from two blocked drains.
