When prashant krishnan, vinita garg, aditya jha, gurpreet singh and neeraj kumar set out to map Mayapuri s drainage,they had no inkling that new lessons on sewerage would be in the offing

The unplanned sector of India

Will Maharashtra boom or boomerang?

July 26, 2005: It began raining at 11 am. In the next 24 hours, India’s most populous city received 944 mm of rainfall. The resultant flood killed 450 people (officially), and caused financial damage worth about Rs 4,000

The National Population Policy (2000) aims at complete protection of all children against vaccine preventable diseases by 2010. Urban poor, many residing in slums, comprise about one-fourth of India’s 285 million urban population. 60% of the children aged 12-23 months in urban India are fully immunized; coverage among urban poor children is a dismal 43%.

Mumbai’s Slum Sanitation Programme that seeks community responsibility and its involvement in the setting up of sanitation facilities in living areas holds out important lessons for similar collaborative endeavours between the government, funding agencies, civil society organisations and the affected community.

Relocating slums does not reduce pollution; it only increases human misery

Pottery units, papad -makers, leather workers, furniture makers, even dance bars: Dharavi is a bustling economy now threatened by builder-driven redevelopment

10,000 families from Delhi s Yamuna Pushta slums were resettled in Bawana this March. NIDHI JAMWAL went to meet them

NIDHI JAMWAL discusses approaches to slum upgradation in developing countries with FAROUK TEBBAL, chief, Shelter Branch, United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN Habitat
