The air quality in some public places in the city that includes restaurants, bars and pubs, is harmful, says a study conducted by the Voluntary Health Organisation of India in association with Cancer Foundation of India. The study has also implied that ban on smoking could not be enforced in some public places in Kolkata.

The air quality in hotels and restaurants in Calcutta that follow anti-smoking laws is much worse than in similar eateries in the rest of the country, a study conducted in 214 establishments across 16 cities has revealed.

Britain plans to tighten its antismoking law by extending ban on smoking to building entrances and by making the case for plain packaging of cigarettes, reports our London correspondent.

As with problem drinking, gambling, and narcotics use population studies show consistently that a large majority of smokers who permanently stop smoking do so without any form of assistance.

As many as 273 persons die daily in Pakistan due to smoking-related diseases, and failure of the government to introduce pictorial warnings on cigarette packets is a contributory factor.

With 44 per cent of the state

The aim of the study was to measure and compare the breath carbon monoxide (CO) levels in cigarette and bidi smokers in India.

The report is the second in a series that tracks the status of the tobacco epidemic and the impact of the interventions that are being implemented to stop it. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the evidence base for protecting people from the harms of second-hand tobacco smoke through legislation and enforcement.

The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), Bangladesh is a nationally representative household survey
of men and women aged 15 years and above. It is designed to produce internationally comparable
data on tobacco use and tobacco control measures using a standardized questionnaire, sample design, data collection, aggregation and analysis procedures.

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