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Flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) recovered to pre-pandemic levels last year, hitting nearly $1.6 trillion but the prospects for this year are grimmer the latest UNCTAD World Investment Report said.The report entitled "International tax reforms and sustainable investment" said that to cope with an environment of uncertainty and risk avers

This is the twenty-second volume of the publication on Indicators on Gender, Poverty, the Environment and Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals in African Countries by the Statistics Department of the African Development Bank Group.

This year's SDR shows that for the second year in a row, the world is no longer making progress on the SDGs. A global plan to finance the SDGs is needed. At mid-point on the way to 2030, policy efforts and commitments supporting the SDGs vary significantly across countries, including among G20 countries.

The Covid-19 pandemic has slowed the progress towards universal access to electricity and clean cooking fuel and technology, according to this UN-sponsored report.  Globally, 733 million people lack access to electricity, and 2.4 billion still cook using fuels that are harmful to their health and the environment.

WHO’s World health statistics 2022 includes an analysis of the epidemiological evolution of the pandemic over the last two years, including the impact of excess mortality, along with a summary of disruptions to health services worldwide.

The health of humans, animals, and the environment are closely intertwined—human health in particular heavily depends on the health of the others.

This Road Map for achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 7 targets presents a detailed assessment of the energy system of Bhutan.

Access to safe, sustainable and accessible cooking fuels and technologies is an essential aspect of addressing both energy poverty and food security. The World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organisation, and helps families across the world to access life-saving food and humanitarian assistance.

Over the past two decades, the region has lifted millions out of poverty. Most countries are now in a position to offer their citizens many more opportunities to live longer, healthier, more productive and secure lives. In a wealthier but riskier world, these achievements are threatened by three overlapping crises.

Sand plays a strategic role in delivering ecosystem services, vital infrastructure for economic development, providing livelihoods within communities and maintaining biodiversity. It is linked to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) either directly or indirectly.
