the tiger census conducted by the authorities in Madhya Pradesh has come in for a lot of criticism. The census report released in 1998 stated that the number of tigers in Madhya Pradesh had gone

Everyone knows of the tiger s endangered status, but the government seems unwilling to face the reality. So far, it has tried to resolve the issue through conferences and meetings, but there has been no concrete action

The Global Tiger Forum becomes functional at a millennium tiger conference

this month a high-level delegation from the uk will investigate tiger poaching and illegal trade in tiger parts in

To reduce human animal conflict, a 14 km long wall will be built along the southern border of Corbett Tiger Reserve. But wall will cost Rs 4.5 crore, is not a very sound idea, feels a senior forest offcial.

despite accusations that the tiger population is being revived, the actual numbers of big cats across India stand at 3,232. Though the Union government is yet to release the 1997 Tiger Census

The jungles of the Indian subcontinent, home to an amazing array of wildlife, attracted many hunters and naturalists, several of whom have recounted their encounters with animals in the wild. This anthology brings together a wide-ranging selection of writings, covering mainly the period of the British Raj, about the hunt in its myriad forms.

The last century has witnessed a remarkable change in attitudes to wildlife, with the focus shifting from conquest for slaughter towards conservation. The new class of naturalists gives equal attention to smaller animals and trees, as evident in the pieces on the blackbuck, the wild dog, the turtle, the cobra, and the comings and goings at a waterhole in summer.

THE Central Zoo Authority of India has asked the officials of the Madhav National Park at Shivpuri in Madhya Pradesh to wind up their "tiger safari". The park is home to eight tigers, all offspring

The tigers in Nepal may be extinct in the wild by 1999 unless India and the other range states declare an open war on poachers and illegal traders and throw in all the resources required into the
