Global conservation organization WWF today sounded an alarm over poaching of tigers and said that on average, two wild cats are killed per week due to high demand of their body parts in Asian count
Asian big cats (including tiger, snow leopard, clouded leopards, and subspecies of leopard, cheetah and lion) are listed in the top three categories of threat on the IUCN Red List, with illegal trade included among the threats to their survival.
The wildlife conservation division, which began conducting the first nationwide tiger survey since February this year, will release the preliminary report from the southern region on August 14, acc
KANCHANPUR, July 29: The number of tigers in Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve is found to have increased, thanks to improvement in habitat and sufficient food in the reserve.
While the Global Tiger Day is commemorated on Tuesday, environmentalists and wildlife activists in Uttarakhand have stressed on the need for improving wildlife protection and exercising political w
NAGPUR: Most of the conservation effort in tiger range countries is concentrated on a few, relatively large protected areas (PAs) but it is high time governments focused on forests outside the PA n
NAGPUR: As countries celebrate 'International Tiger Day' on Tuesday, assessment of tigers under Phase III (camera traps) in wildlife sanctuaries and national parks under Pench Tiger Reserve (PTR) a