Watta Nagbe sits under a thatched hut cooking cassava leaf. A bamboo drier hangs from the hut’s blackened attic her kitchen on top of a hearth.

A programme to promote the uptake of sustainability best practices in forestry and agricultural commodity supply chains in West Africa has taken off.

Recent years have witnessed a groundswell of private sector commitments to reducing deforestation linked to the agricultural commodities that underpin vast corporate supply chains.

THE Timber Producers Association of Zambia (TPA) has appealed to the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection to reverse the ban on the export of timber.

This policy paper provides a brief overview of the status of wood and wood products in India.

Companies that want to buy Brazilian timber without contributing to illegal deforestation have a new tool to help them ensure stolen wood does not appear in their supply chains - a digital platform

Up to US$906 billion in company turnover depends on commodities that drive the majority of tropical deforestation globally, says environmental non-profit CDP.

An online tool now allows timber traders to verify the sustainability of their purchases from important tropical timber countries such as Brazil and Indonesia.

In May 2014, the Member States of the United Nations adopted Resolution 23/1 on “strengthening a targeted crime prevention and criminal justice response to combat illicit trafficking in forest products, including timber.” The resolution promotes the development of tools and technologies that can be used to combat the illicit trafficking of timber.

Indonesia and the European Union (EU) are stepping up their partnership to combat illegal logging practices by applying the system of wood legalisation for timber exports.
