The urgent need to address climate change, the concerns about depleting fossil fuel reserves and volatile global oil prices, and the continuing economic crisis have, amongst other reasons, put “energy” at the center of public policy debates and discussions in the past few years.

Emissions from tropical hydropower are often underestimated and can exceed those of fossil fuel for decades.

Tiny Pacific nations which are most at threat from rising seas have vowed to dump diesel and other dirty expensive fuels blamed for causing global warming and replace them with clean sources.

ReNew Power commissions its first wind project, reaffirming its commitment towards Clean Power for India. In keeping with its commitment to become the leading renewable energy producer in India, ReNew Wind Power Pvt. Ltd., an independent power producer, commissioned its first wind farm project at Jasdan, Rajkot district, Gujarat.

A new report by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) highlights the dramatic roll-out of onshore wind turbines and calls on the Government to do more to protect the countryside.

The installed capacity of the UK's wave and tidal sector has grown 40-fold in the past ten years. Ministers expect similarly impressive growth by 2020. But to achieve this, the country needs arrays.

The study assess the techno-economic on-shore wind potential in India at three hub-heights – 80m, 100m, and 120m. Assuming a turbine density of 9 MW/km2, the total wind potential in India with a minimum capacity factor of 20 percent ranges from 2,006 GW at 80m hub-height to 3,121 GW at 120m hub-height.

Wind is still considered an area of growth by the government of India; however the situation on the ground is a different story.

Accelerated Depreciation, an important driver of growth for Indian wind energy sector, was modified in April this year, forcing strong reactions from the industry. Along with this, the ambiguity on generation based scheme (GBI) has created confusion among independent power producers (IPPs). There is fear that the rapid advance in wind sector made till last year may suffer a big setback at least in the short run due to these two moves. However, the long term perspective is still healthy.

Large wind farms can substantially influence local climate, most notably by boosting nighttime temperatures, a new study suggests.
