The involvement of non governmental organisations is essential for achieving sustainable development objectives

CHINA, Malaysia and Indonesia are adamantly opposed to the creation of the post of a UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, fearing it may be used against them. They point out Western countries

Although the recently held world population summit emphasised population control in the developing countries as the main block in the path to development, some delegates held the consumption patterns of the developed countries responsible for the problems

FAMILY planning practices are growing rapidly, but not fast enough to make a dent in the world's population. The UN argues there is a large unmet demand for family planning services. In one

Locust swarms are the bane of farmers in more than 66 countries. Small wonder then that the locust is the only insect that has a global committee working to outwet it

The FAO is at the hub of efforts to combat the locust probably the only globally integrated endeavour against an insect

Fishery experts say a global system of management is essential to prevent the extinction of the world's fish stocks, even as the number of fishing trawlers increase

The developing world needs to define what the South represents, for otherwise it risks its legitimacy as a negotiating bloc

IRAQ'S nuclear weapons programme has "been pounded into the ground by bombs, inspections and disruptions," says Robert Kelly, the leader of an International Atomic Energy Agency inspection team.

WESTERN nations are worried about increasing international migration. Says a 1992 document of Western nations, "Migration is now seen as a priority issue equal in political weight to other major
