The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the East Africa Community (EAC) today launched a new initiative to boost food production, job and income opportunities for farmers through advanc

A new UN-backed report says the war in Syria has plunged 80 percent of its people into poverty, reduced life expectancy by 20 years, and led to massive economic losses estimated at over $200 billio

The Government of Bangladesh-UN Joint Sundarbans Oil Spill Response Mission formally released its report on the Sundarbans oil spill at the CIRDAP auditorium on Sunday, stressing the need for rules

At a time when holes are being punched in the state's development story over its human development indicators, a study on the maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Gujarat may come as a major respite.

Rwanda Environment Management Authority (Rema) has launched a fresh bid to promote green growth and mitigate climate change effects by 2030.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the government, Spanish government and ILO have joined hands to implement a new project - SWAPNO - to help the poorest women move out of extreme pov

The Ebola virus disease that has caused a medical emergency in the three-most affected countries in West Africa is also affecting the means of making a living of millions of the poorest and most vu

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will provide financial, technical and managerial assistance to the Odisha government to construct 30 lakh pucca houses in the state.

Government has committed about US$11.5 million to the management of community owned wildlife resource project in Bangweulu in Luapula Province.

Luanda — About half of the Angolan population has come out of the absolute poverty line, said Wednesday in Luanda the head of State, José Eduardo dos Santos.
