Committee has approved a Rs 30-lakh proposal of Wildlife Institute of India to track turtles by attaching a Platform Terminal Transmitter.

The Nepal Human Report 2014 developed jointly by the National Planning Commission and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) was released in the capital on Thursday.

Having acquired skills to build clay brick stoves, non-formal education instructor Phuntsho Rabten aspires to impart his skills to those in his village in Lhuentse.

The Nu 7.12M project will respond to immediate climate change adaptation needs
NAPA: The world’s largest climate change adaptation project will begin from this year in Bhutan.

The Sri Lankan government has taken measures to increase the country's forest cover to 35 percent by the year 2020.

Bhutan will soon start implementing the largest Climate Change Adaptation project in the World.

The Middle East's driest winter in several decades could pose a threat to global food prices, with local crops depleted and farmers' livelihoods blighted, U.N. experts and climatologists say.

The Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), Bangalore, in collaboration with the University of Kashmir, Srinagar, recently started a scoping study supported by the United

The Madhya Pradesh government will be organising the “Lake Festival” in the state capital from February 14 to 16 to boost tourism and in sharp contrast with this event is a recent order of the Nati

The Ashden India Collective, a team comprising Ashden awardees from India headed by solar power expert S P Gon Chaudhuri, has received a grant of Rs 40 lakh from the United Nations Development Prog
