One of the major factors affecting the health and growth of children in the State is lack of easy accessibility to immunization services. Lack of information regarding nutrition and inaccessibility to nutritious food have also become a matter of concern with more than 50 per cent of children in the State suffering from malnutrition.

Malnourished children of the Kolhan division can now bite into their share of healthy and nutritious food with the first therapeutic food processing unit in the country being set up at the anganwadi training centre in Kadma.

THANKS to some mindless frenzy whipped up by the media, we are terribly concerned about swine flu, because deaths in double digits have been recorded in a country of a billion people. One wonders why the press has never been even mildly vociferous about the pathetic hygiene standards of our food vendors, restaurants and dhabasin the country.

Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (Erra) in collaboration with Netherlands and Unicef, has launched Hygiene Promotion Component of Water Quality Improvement and Promotion of Hygiene (WAQIPH) Project to reduce risk of public health and degradation of living standard in earthquake affected areas.

Feed malnutrition with policy India has eight million malnourished children. Yet the country has no policy on what food should be given to treat malnutrition. Lack of policy has led international development agencies to adopt varied approaches like giving highly nutritious ready-to-use food. Such measures have often led to confusion and stand-offs with the government. unicef, for example,

Heritage Walk On Saturday Followed Metro Route To Bring Alive Sepoy Mutiny, Reports Richi Verma

Should India Allow Intl Bodies To Operate Here If They Don

The best price for getting anti-mosquito bed nets to the poor proves to be "free".

Distribution of

Experts at a press briefing yesterday said initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth can prevent one-third of neonatal deaths in the country every year.

They also disclosed that around 240 under-five children die every day for not having breastfeeding properly.
