JNNURM DMU report for PMO, fund allocation and utilisation (BSUP/IHSDP): a summary statement.

The City Development Plan for Bhopal deals with a comprehensive, cohesive and concise manner, all the important elements of governance in the form of themes: Urban Growth Management/ Development Planning, Urban Basic Services and Infrastructure, Transportation and Traffic Management, Housing and Slums, Urban Environment, Social Development, Urban Governance and Management and Urban Finance and Man

This paper unpacks the key mechanisms, strategies and processes the IFIs have used to build agreement with their policies among government, donor and corporate circles.

India has to improve its urban areas to achieve objectives of economic development. However, urban governance and management of the services is far from satisfactory. In this context, the Government has launched a reform-linked urban investment program, JNNURM. The paper has analysed urban trends, projected

Improved municipal management has become increasingly challenging as cities grow, costs increase, and service expectations rise. This study reviews World Bank efforts to help strengthen three dimensions of municipal management: planning, finance, and service provision.

Land-based financing of urban infrastructure is growing in importance in the developing world. Why is it so difficult to finance urban infrastructure investment, when land values

This stakeholder consultation report presents the results of the analysis of the written contributions submitted in response to the Commission

Urbanization is an outcome of development process. The increase in infrastructure and basic services is lagging behind the increase in population and income in urban areas. In this context, Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) have to play a role in providing the required urban services. The ability of the ULBs to provide these services depends upon their fiscal performance.

The unprecedented mounting population pressure in the urban areas of India has brought the issue of efficient urban governance to the centre stage of policy planning. Large scale reforms are being ushered into the urban sector.

This study, entitled "Municipal Finance in India
