The highways ministry is planning to set up a corporation for building Greenfield expressways across the country.

The second phase of the project to assess the impact of climate changes in target cities in India, including Kochi will be launched soon.

A stakeholder meeting will be convened in Kochi on Tuesday to discuss the timelines, status and next steps for the project. The major objectives of the meeting also include detailed discussions on the climate projections for Kochi and the impact of changing climate on the urban systems here. The project ‘Asian Cities Adapt: Impacts of Climate Change in Target Cities in India and the Philippines and Local Adaptation Strategies,’ is implemented jointly by International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) European Secretariat, CLEI South Asia and ICLEI South East Asia.

A 3,200-km trilateral highway linking India, Myanmar and Thailand will become a reality by 2016.

The Indian Government is planning to launch a new urban health-care programme in its latest step towards universal health-care coverage in the country. Soumyadeep Bhaumik reports.

Ludhiana continues to be the city with highest urban population, Mohali at second spot

Kerala is heading for a significant phase in its demographic transition with the state moving towards achieving zero population growth rate, which will result in an increase in scarcity of labour.

With a very low fertility rate and stabilising death rate, Kerala is expected to achieve zero population growth rate in 25 to 30 years, a stage indicating the incipient decline of the population, according to the State Urbanisation Report.

Learn from Delhi’s experience, says Montek to other States

The Annual Plan for Delhi for 2012-13 was on Thursday finalised at Rs. 15,862 crore at a meeting between Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia and State Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit. In his initial remarks, Mr Ahluwalia lauded Delhi’s performance in all sectors and highlighted a number of initiatives it has taken which have helped in expediting the pace of development. The Commission, he said, would suggest to other States to learn from the Delhi experience.

The Kerala State Biodiversity Board (KSBB) is taking up a programme to conserve ponds and other waterbodies in urban areas across the State.

Many species in some of the most remote vestiges of Britain's overseas territories face extinction unless a government plan to protect them sets out clearly defined preservation targets, according

The fundamental challenge facing Karachi is a disorganised, ill-coordinated institutional and governance framework with substantial capacity deficits, according to a recent study assessing the city
