This report analyzes four paths that countries could take over the next three decades, ranging from business as usual to a scenario where countries adopt both ambitious climate policies and improve resource efficiency. It finds that smarter use of resources can add $2 trillion annually to the global economy.
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Management of e-waste , 20/03/2017. The policy framework for environmentally sound management of e-waste is laid down in E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 which was notified in March, 2016.
Around 1,500 people visit an industrial waste treatment facility in central Japan each year to see up close how the operator can recycle more than 99 percent of the solid garbage it receives from a
In an attempt to fight the menace of plastic waste and also bridge the housing deficit gap in Ghana, a young man in his thirties has come out with an innovation to build houses using plastic bottle
Brexit presents a huge opportunity for the UK Government to develop a new approach to waste and resources policy. The report highlights significant shortcomings in the EU’s approach to waste and recycling: the objectives are increasingly unclear, the targets are badly designed, and the policies are not in the UK’s interest.
The UN Environment Programme on Thursday launched an unprecedented global campaign to eliminate major sources of marine litter - microplastics in cosmetics and the excessive, wasteful usage of sing