The global use of untreated waste water from cities to irrigate crops is much more widespread than previously estimated, says a new report.

Bellandur lake has now caught people’s attention for something other than its pathetic condition.

Mozambique topped the list because almost all its energy use comes from green sources.

An attempt has been made to study the impact of urban wastewater irrigation on summer paddy productivity, varietal response and soil properties. Paddy and soil samples were collected from selected peri-urban villages of Bhubaneswar, India, from fields receiving contrast irrigation sources (urban wastewater and river water) under similar agro-climatic and socioeconomic conditions. Major plant nutrients content were higher in wastewater irrigated soils, whereas pH was lower. Wastewater irrigation increased grain and straw yield.

The textile industry is one of the major industrial polluters, and water recycling is yet far from being standard practice. Wastewater generation remains a serious and growing problem, affecting ecosystems, human health and freshwater availability for other uses. India is the world’s third largest exporter of textiles and the sector directly employs 45 million people. This case study explores the socio-technical transition of Tirupur, a textile cluster dubbed as the first in India to shift to 'zero liquid discharge' (ZLD) in a systematic manner.

The South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has told the National Green Tribunal that it was mulling framing a scheme for laying a dedicated pipeline to supply recycled water in south Delhi.

Under increasing demand for water, fertilizer and energy, waste and wastewater treatment can be potential options for considerably enhancing not only the supply of these valuable economic assets but also for improving sanitation and ecological conditions.

A three-year wastewater pond research project, the Enhancement of Ponds in Namibia (EPoNa), was launched at Outapi in the Omusati Region on Wednesday.

Jharkhand Waste Water Policy, 2017 is to ensure increase use of recycled water for other purposes apart from drinking, through the provision of appropriate technologies for water recycling and protection of environment.

The Policy, envisions, “All MP State cities and towns become totally sanitized, healthy and liveable and ensure and sustain good public health and environmental outcomes for all their citizens, with a special focus on hygienic and affordable sanitation facilities for the urban poor and women”.
