Better local water management is the way to keep pace with escalating demands, not pumping water across the country, warn Jon Barnett and colleagues.

The prime objective of the guidelines for evaluation of proposals/requests for the withdrawal of ground water, is to focus on a specific part of ground water management viz.

This report presents the results of an analytical study on the economic valuation for wastewater, comparing the cost of no action versus the cost of effective wastewater management. Although economic valuation of wastewater management is complex, it remains an important tool to guide policymakers and investors to take informed decisions.

The University of Cambridge has signed an agreement with Cambridge Water to support the UK's largest water recycling system at the University's North West Cambridge Development site.

Lucknow Municipal Corporation has gone a step ahead in mapping the Smart City proposal for Lucknow by including smart features like emphasis on use of recycled water for cleaning, installing LED l

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of D.K. Joshi Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 12/10/2015 regarding releasing of untreated sewage into river Yamuna.

Growing food in unconventional systems such as those using irrigation with domestic wastewater and the use of potentially toxic waste has generated resistance from producers and consumers. Here, we evaluate the possible physical and biochemical damage to Swiss mice fed for 13 weeks with corn produced in soil containing tannery sludge vermicompost and irrigated with wastewater from domestic sewage.

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But there is plenty of water stress going on in the world right now — such as in California, where earlier this month desperate officials dumped 20,000 black plastic balls into a Los Angeles reserv

This UNEP publication presents a critical analysis of successful cases for regulating wastewater treatment and management in six countries - Argentina, Austria, Finland, Jordan, Singapore and South Africa. It reviews procedures and processes in the implementation of wastewater legislation and may be useful for other countries in addressing the global wastewater challenge.

A US engineering firm was prized Sunday for its efforts to treat used water and turn it back into drinking quality.
