Launching the trans-Ganga scheme in Kanpur on Thursday, chief minister Akhilesh Yadav said the state's first-of-its-kind initiative will house green, non-polluting industries on 350 acres of the to

Women in rainfed areas in Dharmapuri are switching over to kitchen gardens, which provide nutrition to the family as well as money. By recycling the limited water available, these women have shown that it is possible to grow vegetables all round the year.

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The Delhi Jal Board’s interceptor sewer project has been listed in the KPMG’s list of 100 most innovative infrastructure investment projects in the world.

MINISTER of State in the Vice-President's Office ( Environment) Dr Binilith Mahenge, has commended North Mara Gold Mine for conforming to the highest environmental protection standards.

Lahore—The Punjab government on Wednesday approved 11 development schemes of different development Sectors with an estimated cost of Rs 15,827.446 million.

This report provides an overview of global experiences in water reuse.

Volkswagen Group is looking to make its production factories "wastewater-free" and has revealed that it is close to achieving this at a number of sites.

Drought-hit state plans $140m expansion at world’s biggest treatment facility to recycle more waste water.

London is one of the most water-stressed cities in the world according to new research, which has mapped 500 large cities to determine how global urbanisation is affecting water supplies.

When the going got tough due one of with worst droughts in a century, the parched Texas city of Wichita Falls got going with its program to recycle sewage water for drinking.
