Enable Block: 

The present study was undertaken to ascertain the quality of Godavari river water.

The objective of the present report is 1) to focus on the present and past status of Sarus Crane 2) to throw light on the factors responsible for population decline, if any and 3) to recommend measures for Sarus conservation in the region. The study was conducted in selected areas of Bharatpur district in Rajasthan State in a radius of about 100 km from Keoladeo National Park (KNP).

Trace metal contents in zooplankton samples were estimated as a part of Marine Research-Living Resource Programme (MRLR) programme at 24 stations to establish the importance of these

A biomonitoring study was carried out at Kanewal reservoir, an internationally important wetland listed in Asian Directory of Wetlands, designated as a "Wetland of National Importance' and a
proposed community reserve of Gujarat State, India, to ascertain the degree of trace element contamination. The study focused on assessment of trace element contamination in certain aquatic

Discharge of untreated sewage is single most important cause for pollution of surface & ground water since there is a large gap between generation and treatment of domestic wastewater in India. The problem is not only of adequacy of treatment capacity but also operation and maintenance of treatment plants.

Cochin backwaters, a micro tidal estuary, undergo a characteristic transformation from a river dominated system during summer monsoon to a tide-dominant system during pre-monsoon season. The present study observes that as the river flow weakens after monsoon, the flushing of the estuary

Heterotrophic bacteria are accounted for the most important proportion of decomposers in the aquatic ecosystems, which are responsible for key process regulating the function and productivity of ecosystem through the microbial loop. Heterotrophic bacteria in the fresh water ecosystem form a major part of the food web and mediate important processes in the carbon budget. As in both fresh water and marine waters, the biomass and size distribution of bacteria are important parameters of ecosystem function.

Physico-chemical analysis of groundwater in Churu block was performed to have a clear picture of water quality so that remedial measures could be worked for. Fluoride higher thatn 2ppm may cause osteoporosis and fluorosis. High nitrate is alarming as it indicates possibility of seepage from sewage.

Water quality monitoring is one of the first steps required in the rational development and management of water resources. In the field of water quality management, there has been a steady evolution in procedures for designing system to obtain information on the changes of water quality. The
