Rio Olympics 2016 athletes and spectators face a deadly antibiotic-resistant super bacteria threat as algae takes over the waters.

The social costs stemming from dangerous levels of lead in the drinking water of Flint, Michigan, such as the effect on children's health, amount to $395 million, according to an analysis by a prof

The water quality of rivers is an issue of serious concern today. Rivers are heavily impacted due to their use for carrying off the industrial, municipal, agricultural and domestic effluents.

KARACHI: Metallic pollution seems to have risen over the years as the highest concentrations of heavy metals in green mussels were observed in 2012, according to a study.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Ganga River Cleaning Projects, 04/08/2016. As on 30th June 2016, 97 projects have been sanctioned under Namami Gange programme in 53 towns at an estimated project cost of Rs. 8588.21 Crores.

The Standing Committee on Water Resources (2015-16) present the Tenth Report on “Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Water Bodies- Encroachment on Water Bodies and Steps Required to Remove the Encroachment and Restore the Water Bodies”.

Like the famous Aral Sea between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and the Salton Sea in California, the salty expanse of Lake Urmia in Iran has been drying up and shrinking for decades.

The Last Well, the American non-governmental Christian organization from Rockwall, Texas, in the United States that is determined to provide safe drinking water throughout Liberia by the year 2020

Over 30 African water ministers and high-level delegations from 53 African nations have adopted a roadmap aimed at achieving sustainable and universal access to safe water and sanitation in the con

Just days before the start of the Olympic Games the waterways of Rio de Janeiro are as filthy as ever, contaminated with raw human sewage teeming with dangerous viruses and bacteria, according to a
