More than 80 percent of Lebanon's potable water doesn't meet health standards, Industry Minister Hussein Hajj Hasan and Health Minister Wael Abu Faour revealed Wednesday in a joint news conference.
Michigan governor Rick Snyder apologized on Tuesday for the debacle that caused the city of Flint’s water supply to be poisoned by lead, while the top state environment official resigned in light o
Ravindra Khadtale, deputy city engineer (water) said: "From among 26,000 of water samples, 2,000 were found to be dirty and this was because of leakage or overhead tanks in societies not being clea
Sadly, however, even sections of the population with access to improved water sources often do not receive safe water while those without access to an improved water source often fetch water from r
The Hudson River is much cleaner than it used to be, but antiquated infrastructure still contaminates the waters between New York City and New Jersey with untreated sewage and storm water during he
Efficient use of water resources is gaining priority in global development policy debates due to the increasing demand for water from agriculture, industry, energy production and ecosystem services.
Over 3.6 crore people living in more than 63,000 rural habitations are exposed to health hazards due to drinking water quality problems like excess arsenic, fluoride, iron, salinity or nitrate.
The doctor who discovered that the children of Flint, Michigan, were at risk of irreparable brain damage from lead poisoning in the city’s water supply has warned that the problem of “toxic soup” c