The University of Cambridge has signed an agreement with Cambridge Water to support the UK's largest water recycling system at the University's North West Cambridge Development site.

Directions issued under Section 5 of EPA Act, 1986 regarding Treatment and Utilization of Sewage for Restoration of Water Quality of River to Metropolitan Cities and States/UT Capitals by Central Pollution Control Board. Sewage is a mojor cause for poor water quality and adversely impacts human health and aquatic life.

Denmark-based Grundfos, one of the largest pump manufacturers in the world, will launch an intelligent water dispensing system in India that accepts "WaterCard" like an ATM and converts raw water i

The State Government would shortly announce the proposed water policy which would lay much needed emphasis on the need to regulate over exploitation of ground water resources.

Nagpur: Although Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) took some steps to ensure eco-friendly immersions, the condition of the city lakes only seems to be degrading as compared to previous years.

During the course of present study, the abiotic factors investigated recorded remarkable variation at each of the three study sites. While pH, NO3-N, Total Dissolved Solids, BOD and COD recorded increasing values towards the downstream sections of the river, DO, Ca and alkalinity recorded decreasing values towards the downstream areas of the river. A total of seven species belonging to two families Cyprinidae and Salmonidae were collected. While Cyprinidae is represented by five species viz., Schizothorax plagiostomus, S. curvifrons, S. esocinus, S.

Jabalpur is a city having highest number of lakes in Madhya Pradesh. A Systematic study has been done by author on lakes of Jabalpur, in coordination with other departments i.e.

To examine the issue of Arsenic in ground water and its far reaching consequences on various aspects the ‘Parliamentary Committee on Estimates’ headed by Hon’ble Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi had chosen the topic ‘Occurrence of High Arsenic Content in Ground Water and its consequences’, for evaluation.

The cut in outlay for the Centrally sponsored National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) has put the brakes on the setting up of a state referral water quality testing laboratory in Uttarakhan

Pollution was found in a Jersey stream that led to it being taken out of the water supply network
