Use of fuel cells is an alternate energy technology that is being studied for full-scale implementation. These can be classified into three subgroups: catalytic, enzymatic, and microbial. Microbial fuel cells are unique in their ability to utilize microorganisms, rather than an enzyme or inorganic molecule, as catalysts for converting the chemical energy of feedstock directly into electricity.

Power outage and scarcity of water have turned serious in Sylhet city for the last few days, causing immense sufferings to the people.

Currently, the city is getting only 50MW power against the total demand for 100MW, said sources at Power Development Board, Sylhet.

The city corporation is supplying only one-third of the demand of water to the residents of limited areas.

As bottled water use continues to expand around the world, there is growing interest in the environmental, economical, and social implications of that use, including concerns about waste generation, proper use of groundwater, hydrologic effects on local surface and groundwater, economic costs, and more. A key concern is how much energy is required to produce and use bottled water.

Climate change, growing populations and political concerns are prompting governments and investors from California to China to take a fresh look at desalination : a report. March 20, 2008

the second week of November saw south and central Delhi reeling under a severe water crisis because of high levels of ammonia in the Yamuna at the city's water intake point. It led to a reduction in

The mayor of London has launched a legal campaign to stop a water-treatment plant after the government overturned his refusal to grant planning permission.

>> Abul Hussam, a chemistry professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, was awarded the Grainger Challenge Prize for Sustainability. The Bangladesh-born US citizen was awarded by the

The environment ministry of China recently ordered the cleanup of 20 chemical and petrochemical units that a study found were a threat to the country's waterways and environment due to poor planning

At Nacka nature school in Sweden

A novel method to tackle sewage, and so, pollution
