South Africa's Weather Service has said the likelihood of an El Nino weather pattern, which brought a scorching drought to southern Africa last year, returning later this year has decreased.


The Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC) has called on Malawi government to approve a draft national meteorological policy in the country.

Japan's weather bureau said on Friday it sees a 50 percent chance of the El Nino weather pattern emerging by the beginning of autumn.

A U.S.

GUILOKI, Niger (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - When Moumouni Abdoulaye and his fellow herders in western Niger used to set off on scouting missions in search of water, they feared for their livestoc

Climate plays important role in production of coffee. Adequate quantum and timely receipt of blossom rainfall for flowering and subsequent backing showers influence the berry set and yield of coffee. Harvesting of Arabica coffee in Kerala State with humid tropical climate in India is done by December-January and harvesting of Robusta coffee is taken up during January-February. In this paper, attempt was made to develop agrometeorological models to forecast the yield of these two varieties coffee by utilising monthly climate variables from January to December.

Drought conditions associated with an El Nino weather pattern are likely to reoccur in a few months time, the South African government said on Thursday.

This document explores the range of currently available and potential climate prediction products and services. It is intended for all audiences from policy makers to practitioners and users.

The west coast of Korean Peninsula is an area where casualties and property damages by meteo-tsunamis from the Yellow Sea have been reported. A case in point is the event with an estimated maximum amplitude of 240 cm in Yeonggwang (YG) on 31 March 2007. Many studies have been carried out since then in Korea. These researches focused primarily on the oceanographic aspects (e.g., the resonance between the atmosphere and ocean). They wanted to calculate the resonance effects by the propagation velocity and direction of meteo-tsunami.
