Efforts to protect the North Atlantic right whale have gone high-tech with the creation of an iPad/iPhone application that can warn mariners when they approach an area where the highly endangered m

As the sea ice recedes in Hudson Bay, killer whales are moving in for a feast. Are they eating the Inuit people's lunch?

WELLINGTON, New Zealand: A mass-stranding of whales on a New Zealand beach has left 36 of the creatures dead and threatens 40 more.

The future of the International Whaling Commission is tenuous. A ‘whale conservation market’ might rescue it, say Christopher Costello, Leah R. Gerber and Steven Gaines.

A quota-trading scheme could end conflict between whalers and conservationists. (Editorial)

As has become almost routine in recent years, Japan’s annual whale hunt that began this week has kicked off to swirling controversy.

More than 60 pilot whales died in a mass stranding at a remote New Zealand beach, conservation officials said yesterday.

New Zealand has warned it faces its worst maritime environmental disaster after a stricken container ship off the nation’s coast sustained further damage and spewed up to 350 tonnes of oil into the

Preserving just 4 percent of the ocean could protect crucial habitat for the vast majority of marine mammal species, from sea otters to blue whales, according to researchers at Stanford University

In the world of environmental regulation, where the hope is to write rules that both industry and science can live with, few areas are as contentious as fishing.
