The vaccine was designed at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.
Till date, Cholera has been responsible for seven pandemics and accounts for nearly

On World Environment Day, let’s be inspired to become Earth warriors to combat the pollutants that are affecting the quality of air we breathe.

HOUSTON: Harmful particulate matter in the atmosphere may lead to birth defects and even fatalities during pregnancy, according to a study conducted in mice.

This is close to the WHO threshold of 22.8

Conservationists have accused the World Health Organisation (WHO) of rubber-stamping the extinction of endangered species by adopting hundreds of traditional Chinese remedies in its international g

In a comprehensive study, researchers from Texas A&M University have determined that harmful particulate matter in the atmosphere can produce birth defects and even fatalities during pregnancy

Two cases of polio have been reported in the Central African Republic, the World Health Organization said in a report on Tuesday, the latest setback for global efforts to eradicate the crippling di

Algeria - the nation where malaria was discovered - is officially free of malaria, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday, making it the third African country to eliminate one of the

Adapting to the evolved understanding of Concept of Primary Health (PHC), the Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs)under the ambit of ‘Ayushman Bharat’yojna are providing services directed towards the

Based on WHO, Unicef guidelines, the draft policy with a roadmap for 2030, has been submitted to Yogi cabinet for approval
