A Ghana-based start-up has received $1.5 million from Ebay billionaire Jeff Skoll to support its work in changing Africa's pharmaceutical industry to make medicines more affordable.
HUMAN life depends on availability of clean and safe water. United Nations (UN), water requirements per person range from 20 to 50 decent litres per day.
Two-year-old Thayi loves the aerosol therapy room at Senegal's Albert Royer Children's Hospital, where she gets to fall asleep on her mother's lap, breathing deeply - something that is usually hard
Overall life expectancy in Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, has dropped to 52.2 years, according to the latest data by the National Population Commission (NPC).
A quarter of the world's health facilities lack basic water services, impacting 2 billion people, the United Nations said on Wednesday, warning that unhygienic conditions could fuel the global rise
The World Health Organization says insecurity and community mistrust in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s conflict-ridden North Kivu Province are major impediments to international health efforts
Democratic Republic of Congo's Ebola outbreak is spreading at its fastest rate yet, eight months after it was first detected, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday.