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The head of the RSPB has warned Britain’s National Parks are at risk of losing their protected status because human activity is wiping out so many species and areas outside the parks are often in b

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Gaurav Kumar Bansal Vs Union of India & Others dated 25/03/2019 regarding violation of ecology and biodiversity in Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh. The NGT directs the Secretary, National Board for Wildlife and Chairperson, National Biodiversity

Jinja — The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) says it has seized 15 tonnes of ivory from within and outside Uganda over the past five years.

An investigation by Buzzfeed News revealed how for years, paramilitary anti-poaching forces funded and trained by WWF have killed and tortured indigenous villagers on the fringes of national pa

East Africa (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) contains 1,776 protected areas (including 186 "strict" protected areas) covering more than 27 percent of its terrestrial area.

At the Randilen Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in northern Tanzania, the searing heat and parched terrain make it an attractive hour for a cold swim.

Botswana's move towards lifting a four year-old hunting ban sparked a global outcry, with particularly the West, expressing serious misgivings.

Mangochi — Elephants from Namizimu Forest Reserve in Mangochi have destroyed 588 hectares of crops in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Katuli in Mangochi, leaving over 3,000 households at ris

A national park in New Zealand has been expanded by 64,000 hectares – the largest gain for a national park in the country’s history.

JAKARTA — Bank of China has promised to evaluate a hydroelectric project it is helping fund in Indonesia, which activists say threatens the only known habitat of the Tapanuli orangutan, the rarest
