Environment, Water and Climate Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri has called for change in agricultural practices from conventional systems to climate-smart agriculture (CSA) which builds resilience
ZIMBABWE has begun the search for projects that could qualify for funding under the Green Climate Fund (GCF), hoping that increased funding will help the country tackle climate-changing emissions,
THE government has summoned Harare City Council to explain why the local authority is distributing contaminated water to residents, a senior civil servant has confirmed.
As talks about a complete ban on both the international and domestic markets heat up, the Swaziland government accuses western NGOs of being ‘armchair preservationists’
In 2015, at least 50 rhinos were killed in Zimbabwe by poachers.
Zimbabwe has been using dehorning as a policy to protect its rhinos against poaching since the 1990s.
In the Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya, when the fierce heat of the sun has softened into a gentle evening glow, David Daballen and I climb into a jeep to find some elephants.