Question raised in Lok Sabha on Crop Insurance Schemes, 01/03/2016. State-wise details of farmers covered during last one year (i.e. 2014-15) under various crops insurance schemes including National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) is at Annexure. National Crop Insurance Scheme (NCIP) envisages coverage of Food Crops (Cereals, Millets & Pulses), Oilseeds and Annual Commercial/Horticultural Crops for which past yield data based on single series of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) & weather data for sufficient past years is available.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Assessment of Air Pollution, 01/03/2016. The ambient air quality is being regularly monitored in Delhi by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in association with Delhi Pollution Control Committee and National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) under the National Air Monitoring Programme (NAMP). The monitoring is being done in respect of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter less than or equal to 10 micron (PM10) in Delhi at ten locations.

This Compendium of Environment Statistics 2015 published by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation is the sixteenth edition of its series and covers five core parameters - biodiversity, atmosphere, land/soil, water and human settlements.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Miserable Condition of Farmers due to Continuous Drought Situation, 26/02/2016. State Governments initiate necessary relief measures to farmers in the wake of drought and other natural calamities from State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) which is readily available with them. Additional financial assistance to State Government, over and above SDRF, is considered from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) on receipt of relief memoranda from State Governments and in accordance with extant norms and procedures.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Compensation Package for Farmers, 26/02/2016. Government fixes Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) of various crops on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP), views of State Governments and Central Ministries/Departments and other relevant factors. Statement showing MSPs for 2014-15 and 2015-16 are at Annexure-I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on New Underground Water Resources, 25/02/2016. During XII Plan period Central Ground Water Board is implementing the Central Sector Scheme ‘Ground Water Management & Regulation’ in which aquifer mapping is a component. The aim of the Aquifer Mapping is to delineate aquifer disposition on a scale of 1:50000 in 3D and their characterization along with quantification for preparation of aquifer/ area specific ground water management plans. It is proposed to cover an area of 8.89 lakh

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Inter-Linking of Rivers, 25/02/2016. This Ministry has formulated a National Perspective Plan (NPP) for Water Resources Development envisaging inter-basin transfer of water from surplus basins to deficit basins/ areas. Based on surveys, investigations and detailed studies, National Water Development Agency (NWDA) has prepared pre-feasibility reports which facilitated identification of 30 links under the NPP. The status of river links identified under NPP are given in Annexure-I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on National Rural Electrification Scheme, 25/02/2016. Ministry of Power does not have any scheme by the name National Rural Electrification Scheme (NRES). However, the work of rural electrification are done under Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY). Cumulatively, as on 31.01.2016, electrification works in 1,13,505 villages have been completed. The State-wise details are given at Annex-I. 5686 un-electrified villages are to be electrified in 2015-16. The State-wise details are given at Annex-II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Contamination of Groundwater, 25/02/2016. The norms fixed for fluoride and other chemical contents in supply of water for various purposes including drinking water are given in Annexure I.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Child Mortality in the Country, 25/02/2016. In India, the Office of the Registrar General of India (ORGI) regularly releases reliable estimates of child deaths in terms of Under-five Mortality Rate (U5MR) using data collected through Sample Registration System (SRS). According to ORGI, the U5MR estimated as number of child deaths per 1000 live births in India over the years are included in this document. Further, the child mortality rate (
