State-wise estimates of Average Monthly Per Capita Expenditure for rural and urban areas separately for the year 2011-12.

The percentage and number of persons below poverty line for all States/UTs for rural areas, urban areas and combined.

The estimates of state wise poverty lines for rural and urban areas for 2011-12.

This table by Central Groundwater Board shows state-wise districts with flluoride and arsenic contaminated groundwater (2013).

The planning commission is in the process of developing an Environmental performance index (EPI) to incentivise states for environmental performance through budgetary allocations. The major aspects taken into account for this are – Air pollution, Forest, water quality, water management and Climate change.

State-wise and year-wise Bt cotton area in India, Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 6491, dated 07.05.2013.

DPRs of Hydro-Electric Schemes under scrutiny for acceptance for Examination, Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.5835, dated 02.05.2013.

This is the statistical profile of Scheduled Tribes of India done by Ministry of Tribal Affairs. This is done through collection, collation, analysis and dissemination of data and information on various facets of tribals and their socio-economic development from different sources - Census, NSSO, NFHS, SRS, AIES, Government Departments, Budget Documents, Government Schemes (both State and Central level), Special Component Plan for SCs/ STs, Nodal and Line Ministries (Rural Development, Human Resource Development, Women & Child Development, etc.).

All-India Comparison of Emissions by Sector in Million Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (1994 and 2007). Percentage emissions from each sector with respect to total GHG emissions without LULUCF in 1994 and 2007 respectively.

This latest edition of Rural Health Statistics in India released by the Union health ministry provides detailed statistics on rural health infrastructure on the basis of information available up to March, 2012 and data provided by the States and Union Territories.
