AIDS victims the world over are dismayed by the discovery that taking azidothymidine as soon as HIV infection is confirmed does not delay death any further than if they took it after symptoms develop.

The Japanese are furious that the moratorium on commercial whaling has been extended. They and the Norwegians say they will continue to harpoon minke whales for "research".

The Indian government and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) are trapped in a cleft stick because of five million defective copper-T contraceptives given by UNFPA to

Now that they have discovered how chloroquine controls the malaria parasite, scientists hope to use this knowledge to develop more efficient anti malarial drugs.

Small island countries will test, at a 1994 world conference, the sincerity of Western nations' promise about aiding development, which they made at Rio.

A premature death seems in store for the "cradle baby scheme" launched with much fanfare by Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalitha last October, following reports of female infanticide in Salem.

In order to propagate its own species, a parasitic fungus attacks mustard plants and transforms their leaves, making them look like flowers of other species.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, head of the US President's task force on health, has a tough task ahead in providing Americans with low cost, quality health care.

Through the centuries, Indians have evolved several novel ways to protest injustice. Many are still practised in India and some have even been adopted abroad.

In late April, the Indo-British Environment Initiative (IBEI) was launched simultaneously in London and New Delhi to help unblock follow-up international green negotiations after the Rio summit.
