As per capita private consumption declines in the country, the number of its poor is increasing.

Malaria is attaining near epidemic proportions in the country but researchers in Madras hold out a ray of hope. They have produced an environmentally safe pesticide that kills mosquito larvae.

The North and South disagree on classifying logged timber.

In 1992, even rich nations began to feel the pinch of impoverishment and it hurt enough to make them cut down on global charity

Apples are at the care of Himachal politics and withdrawal of subsidies can be politically disastrous

The state's attempts to stop environmental degradation in Bariadi district failed because they ignored the traditional knowledge of the people.

Because of its political importance in the British empire, Calcutta was one of the first cities to regulate smoke emissions. But legislation failed to keep up with technology and today, the city is one of the most polluted in the world.

The department of science and technology (DST) is to launch three missions to focus on the crucial issues of biotechnology and genetic engineering, improving prediction of natural disasters and

The controversial Human Genome Project -- a collaborative effort to decode and understand the human genetic code in chromosomes -- is already showing results and is likely to be completed ahead of

Indiscriminate poaching, abetted by government apathy and sympathy from villagers displaced from their traditional forest habitats, is fast wiping out India's tiger population.
