"The project titled “Understanding the biodiversity of Odonata (Class Insecta) of Kashmir Himalayan Region with reference to Climate Change” has been sanctioned up to the tune of Rs.58.38 lakhs"
A long-drawn battle between the residents of Whitefield and Graphite India Ltd. (GI) has finally come to an end with the company announcing the closure of operations of its Bengaluru plant.
Training programme on ‘Sustainability and Circularity (Mass-Value-Carbon)’ was organised by the Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi (CSE) in collaboration with Faculty of Physical Plannin
The National Green Tribunal has rapped the Delhi Pollution Control Committee and the municipal corporations over illegal dairies and condition of cattle in the city while slapping a fine of Rs 10 l
In 2015, 61 people died of tuberculosis at PGI, but the next year this number jumped to 74 and at 119, it breached the three figure mark in 2017, the highest ever at PGI.
KOCHI: A preliminary study undertaken by state health authorities found that almost 7% of the total population in Ernakulam is highly likely to develop TB.