Earlier this month, women in the U.S. at risk of developing breast cancer received a limited reason for hope: A drug called tamoxifen was found effective at preventing breast cancer, but it is

A new means of identifying genetic modifications to food will be marketed for the first time in the UK, the Leatherhead Food Research Association, which developed the test, has

The fate of several globally endangered species has been threatened by dwindling grasslands in Assam, which has no natural grassland of any significance worth conservation left, say wild-life

The Joint action forum of Indian people against World Trade Organisation (WTO) and anti-people policies is organising convention, rally and public meeting from April 29 to May 1 in the city to demand

Some notices and several warnings were issued to littering public on the first day of the clean city campaign launched by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation even as the latter emphasised more on

As part of the effort to complete the canal section of the Narmada project, work is in full swing to build a siphon across the 335 metres wide Sabarmati river. The siphon, meant to carry Narmada

Panama Canal officials are struggling with a water shortage so severe that they recently took the unusual step of limiting the loads of some ships passing through. The El Nino weather phenomenon,

A majority of US biologists are convinced that a "mass extinction" of plants and animals is underway that poses a major threat to humans in the next century, yet most Americans are only dimly aware

A legislation to prevent the employment of children in hazardous industries, like match and fireworks factories and tanneries, has been mooted at an UGC-sponsored State-level seminar on 'Child rights

Greenpeace International welcomed Shell's announcement that the multinational oil company would be withdrawing its membership from the Global Climate Coalition: the US industry lobby group which
