It was a rat race aboard space shuttle Columbia as rodents with electrodes implanted in their brains scurried around a 3-D track and a cross-shaped maze. Columbia's astronauts monitored the nerve

A dense pall of gloom engulfed large parts of the capital yet again today. The cause was a cocktail of dust and smoke from vehicular pollution, and flyash from the Indraprastha Thermal Power Station

Singapore will go ahead and develop alternative water sources even though Malaysia has undertaken to supply the island republic with water beyond the expiry of the existing water pacts. In answer to

Processing sea water is not a feasible idea as it is more costly than using Malaysia's available water resources. Drainage and Irrigation Department Assistant Director (planning and evaluation)

The Science, Technology and Environment Ministrywill assist in the setting up of a National Research Centre on Air Pollution, said its deputy Minister Datuk Abu Bakar Daud. He said it could serve as

The R.D. Birla Memorial Award - the highest honour of Indian Physics Association for outstanding research contribution in Physics was conferred on Prof. G.S. Agarwal, Director, Physical Research

At least four persons have died and 51 are battling for life in hospitals after inhaling the poisonous gas emanating from the blaze that swept through a godown stocking chemicals and fabric in Howrah

Delhi's coal-based power plants will soon get washed coal, which will reduce pollution to a considerable extent, replacing the currently used poor quality coal that produce a lot of fly-ash. The

Orissa's ancient temple stones, some of which date to millions-of-years-old Gondwanaland, are vulnerable to erosion and decay, warns a report. Gondwanaland, regarded as the mother of all continents,

St. Mark's Square in Venice could be flooded every day by the middle of the next century because of worldwide rises in sea levels, a leading flood control specialist was quoted as saying on Tuesday.
