The most recent figures released by the British government on the latest tally of deaths from new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (nvCJD), the human form of mad cow disease released on April

For a while now, some scientists have thought that global warming may be less humanity's fault than the sun's. Since 1990 evidence has accumulated that the earth's climate fluctuates on a cycle of

Beijing residents have known for years that their air is foul. The rest of the world knows about it too. Beijing has appeared at or near the top of several surveys of polluted cities conducted in

For the past four years, Colombia's anti-drugs police, backed by the United States, have tried to eradicate coca-growing in its southern jungles. Chemicals are being sprayed to eradicate the crop.

A U.N. funded think tank said that Pakistan, with 50 million illiterate adults, should amend its constitution to make primary education compulsory and give schooling the first claim on budgetary

Most climbers scale Mount Everest because it is there. But a team of American climbers is planning to trek to the top of the world's highest peak to clear the waste which has piled up just below the

Two conservative U.S. congressmen are sponsoring legislation which would forgive $400 million of debt owed by developing countries if the money is used to save rain forests. The Tropical Forest

The Forest Department of Kengu Mouza has taken up a share basis afforestation programme on 300 acres of land under Sekdu Range. An official said the programme, the first ever in two years, will be

The French Government has launched an urgent scientific investigation into why honey bees in western France are becoming disoriented and dying in millions, unable to find their way back to their

Reminders of the global threat to botanical diversity surround us, but we tend to think of them as disparate events rather than parts of a broad pattern. The forest fires in Indonesia and the Amazon
