A delegation of Indian fish exporters is being sent to Europe on a public relations exercise to defend the quality of its sea food. The campaign in defence of its fish follows a ban on fish imports

Environmental awareness among ordinary citizens in India is abysmal, with industrial pollution contributing to severe environmental degradation. A World Bank study puts the health costs of

The Simlipal National Park and the sanctuary have been sealed to tribal hunters fro Thursday. A detachment of the Orissa Armed Police Reserve has been deployed to guard the strategic entry points of

India should develop forests as a separate industry by delinking it from agriculture to cater to the country's food security and economic growth, an expert has suggested."There is an urgent need to

The authorities have occupied prime farmland in Gauchar, Uttar Pradesh, to construct an airstrip that will benefit tourists both at home and abroad. But it will affect the livelihood of many

Tamil Nadu's windmill boom has run into trouble a decade after the environment-friendly electricity generating units were set up in a big way in this coastal

The National Thermal Power Corporation's Dadri plant was awarded the Indian Oil Corporation trophy for "best oil conservation" for

The ROSLIN Institute, which cloned Dolly the sheep, announced Wednesday that it had set up a company that will develop the technology for commercial

The notices served by the police to some of the illegal factories in the Tughlakabad extension Area have generated little hope among the residents plagued by the pollution caused by these

Birds can help the Middle East nest : Israel is the central bus station for bird migration. Incredibly, 500 million birds pass through or over this narrow country - storks and eagles and pelicans
