The illegal trade in poached skins between India, Nepal and China is the most significant immediate threat to the continued existence of the tiger in the wild. While the importance of the problem has been recognized and plenty of information is already available, the lucrative illegal trade continues.

Urbanisation in India is more rapid in and around National Capital as well as the State Capitals and, over the years, these cities have become major centers for commerce, industry and education. Enormous increase in number of vehicles has resulted in increased emission of air pollutants and, as a result, levels of air pollutants such as respirable suspended particulate matter are found to exceed the prescribed standards in these cities.

The Western Ghats of India, in which Kudremukh Reserve is a part, is assessed to be one of the 25 hotspots identified for bio-diversity conservation in the world. Kudremukh is also the largest protected wildlife reserve of a wet evergreen shola type

The purpose of this Act is to consolidate the laws relating to food and to regulate the manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import of food.

This is rapid environment impact assessment report for the proposed integrated steel project to be setup near Paradip in Orissa by POSCO-India private limited. This report also discusses suggested EMP to contain the adverse impacts as revealed during impact assessment. Associated environmental risks affecting community health and safety are also outlined in this report.

The preparation of the CDP for Lucknow has been undertaken in the context of the JNNURM. Although Lucknow formally qualifies for JNNURM funding for being a state capital, it also is a million plus city and has a rich heritage.

Achieving an efficient configuration of the various forms of energy requires consistency in the policies governing each sector and consistency in the pricing of different types of energy. There is also a need for clarity in the direction

Achieving an efficient configuration of the various forms of energy requires consistency in the policies governing each sector and consistency in the pricing of different types of energy. There is also a need for clarity in the direction

In December 2005, CSE's Pollution Monitoring Lab decided to check whether the samples of soft drinks available in the market are within the limits prescribed by BIS or not. A total of 57 samples, of 11 brands of Pepsi Co and Coca Cola available in the market, were collected from 12 different states of the country.

July 26, 2005 has gone down as a day no Mumbaikar will forget. A record 994 mm (37.2 inches) of rain within 24 hours, widespread flooding and the loss of lives and property, the virtual shutdown of the
