Building resilience to increasingly intense climate change impacts requires effective, urgent adaptation action at the local level. While much progress has been made within the international and national arenas, efforts to successfully implement adaptation at the subnational level remains uneven.
This paper highlights two case studies of adaptation being integrated into sectoral development programs and projects, in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Ideally, the findings from analyzing these case studies will accelerate and scale mainstreaming efforts in India.
As extreme weather events become more frequent and stronger, it is critical that policymakers and development practitioners incorporate climate change adaptation objectives into their sectoral policies and plans.
As climate change threatens India’s food security, adaptation in the agriculture sector is becoming increasingly important. However, for too long, adaptation has been characterized by individual efforts and by small, time-bound pilot projects.
This new research report from WRI calls for policymakers to think bigger about climate change adaptation by moving away from small, one-off projects to those that benefit more people and better inform policy. It presents case studies from 21 agriculture projects across India, but its lessons are applicable in many countries and to many stakeholders
This paper explores methodological approaches that can be used to monitor and evaluate climate change adaptation initiatives at the projects and programme levels.