Iron ore Says Shah commission recommendation faulty; however, accepts other suggestions.

Mahyco confident of regulatory approvals, plans launch within a year.

Bt brinjal may have gone into the deep freezer, but that has hardly dampened the enthusiasm of Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co (Mahyco) from coming up with new genetically modified (GM) crops.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has changed the definition of carbon credit, with its new finding of green grass as the potential area.

Until now, carbon credit was allowed to be claimed from industrial units reducing emission of major polluting gases — SO2, CO2, CO and Nox — into the environment. Now, the reduction of obnoxious gases through green grass will also be entitled to claim carbon credit.

FAO forecast of generally tight situation for most crops and commodities over next 18 months. Consumers are unlikely to get relief from high food prices till December 2012, despite a modest increase in global foodgrain production.

In the present study, an assessment of the status of coral reefs along the Pongi Balu coast, south Andaman Islands, which is a part of the Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, has been made by scuba diving, low draft glass-bottom boat and visual interpretation in some places during low-tide condition.
